Top 15 Best Prebiotic Foods That Improve Gut Health

Best Prebiotic Foods

Prebiotic Foods, Probiotics vs. prebiotics

Prebiotics are a sort of fiber that the human body can’t process. They act as food for probiotics, which are beneficial microorganisms that live in your gut. Without a constant supply of prebiotics, our gut bacteria will eat away at the protective mucus layer in our gut. This thin mucous membrane is your first line of defense against the attack of potentially harmful compounds. Prebiotic Foods

Therefore, if we really want to improve our overall health, it is important that we take good care of our digestive system and its microbiota. And one of the best natural ways to do this is to include foods rich in prebiotics in our diet.

Best Prebiotic Foods That Improve gut Health

In today’s article, we will talk about the best probiotic foods that you can eat to support the health of your intestines. Be sure to read to the end because there is a diet full of prebiotics that not many people know about. So, if you’re ready, let’s get involved.

Your stomach probably needs your help. That’s right, your gut. Your gut is basically just a tube that carries nutrients throughout your body. When was the last time you contemplated your stomach related framework? Prebiotic Foods

Gut health is important for overall well-being, yet we often do not take good care of it. What may seem more familiar are the symptoms of an unhealthy bowel, such as: constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas and abdominal pain.

These digestive problems afflict a large part of the population, you are far from alone. As a matter of fact, in the United States alone, it is assessed that multiple million individuals experience the ill effects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Prebiotic Foods

Simple lifestyle changes, and in more extreme cases – medication can reduce our bowel health to some extent. But before going directly to Medes as a solution, try to think about lifestyle changes in the form of prebiotic foods.

The health of our intestines is a combination of many factors, but the most important is the balance between bacteria and good yeast that is good for our digestive system.

Probiotics are alive!

These are usually bacteria and yeast. They help with digestion and have other health benefits. Good sources are: Yogurt, Kefir, Buttermilk, Old Cheese, Sauerkraut, Kamchi, Sour Bread, Miso, Tampa, Kambocha, Beer and Wine.

Prebiotics are just a form of fiber that acts as food for probiotics. Prebiotics are not digested by human enzymes and they work to nourish your friendly microorganisms. These fibers help create a hospitable environment in which gut-friendly bacteria can grow and develop properly. Prebiotic Foods

This means an increase in energy and a better mood because our gut is working properly. Late examinations recommend that prebiotics may assist with further developing rest and decrease pressure.

Prebiotics are rich in FOS

FOS, or Fructooligosccharides, are sugars that occur naturally and facilitate healthy and regular bowel movements. These foods not only help relieve constipation but also help balance intestinal bacteria. Now let’s take a look at 6 prebiotic foods that are rich in FOS. Prebiotic Foods

1 Raw chakra root

66.4% prebiotic fiber by weight. The “king” of prebiotic fiber, about 65% by weight, contains prebiotic fiber. The leaves, buds and roots of chakori can be boiled and eaten as a vegetable.

2 Banana

1% prebiotic fiber by weight Bananas are the cheapest and most available prebiotic source. They do not have the highest FOS content compared to the other foods on this list, but they are definitely the easiest and a great addition to Smoothie. Probiotics vs. prebiotics

3  Raw dandelion greens

24.3% prebiotic fiber by weight. Dandelion greens are a great source of prebiotics, and are a great addition to salads or perhaps super prebiotic smoothies with bananas. Prebiotic Foods

4 Raw or cooked onion

8.6% prebiotic fiber by weight. Onions are a good source of prebiotics and are very easy to add to your diet. If you can help, stick to raw onions for the best effect on your intestinal health. Chopping onions into your peppers or adding them to your salad would be a great addition to any meal.

5 Crude Jerusalem Artichokes

31.5% prebiotic fiber by weight. Jerusalem artichokes are high in prebiotic fiber, and will help relieve constipation. Despite its name, it grows wild in North America and tastes very sweet. Another great way to sweeten your salad.  Probiotics vs. prebiotics

6 Raw garlic

17.5% prebiotic fiber by weight. Garlic is probably the most delicious source of prebiotics. This beautiful onion genus is a great way to add flavor to almost any dish. You can never eat too much garlic!

7 Leeks

Leeks come from similar family as onions and garlic, and they offer comparative medical advantages. Leeks are supplement thick, and that implies they’re low in calories however high in nutrients and minerals. On account of their inulin content, leeks advance solid stomach microorganisms and help separate fat.

Leeks contain a high measure of vitamin K, which advances blood thickening. Truth be told, 1 leek (89 grams) contains 42 mcg (35% of the everyday worth. Prebiotic Food.

8 Grain

Grain is a famous oat grain and is utilized to make brew. Beta-glucan is a prebiotic fiber that advances the development of cordial microscopic organisms in your intestinal system.

The beta-glucan in grain has likewise been displayed to bring down aggregate and LDL (terrible) cholesterol and decrease the gamble of cardiovascular infection. It might likewise assist with bringing down glucose levels. Prebiotic Foods

One investigation discovered that grain beta-glucan further developed digestion in mice through both concealment of craving and improvement of insulin awareness. Probiotics vs. prebiotics

9 Oats

Entire oats are a solid grain with prebiotic benefits. They contain a lot of beta-glucan fiber, as well as some safe starch. Beta-glucan from oats has been connected to:

  • solid stomach microorganisms
  • lower LDL (awful) cholesterol
  • better glucose control
  • decreased disease risk

10 Apples

Apples are a flavorful organic product with fiber. Gelatin, a kind of solvent fiber, represents a lot of an apple’s absolute fiber content. The gelatin in apples has prebiotic benefits.

A recent report observed that gelatin from apples could advance solid stomach microbiota, decline irritation, and smother weight gain and fat gathering in rodents with stoutness. Prebiotic Foods

Gelatin increments butyrate, a short-chain unsaturated fat that takes care of valuable stomach microorganisms and diminishes the number of inhabitants in destructive microscopic organisms. More examination is expected to investigate the advantages of gelatin in people completely.

Research shows that notwithstanding their prebiotic benefits, apples can further develop heart wellbeing and may even decrease your gamble of asthma and other pneumonic problems. Probiotics vs. prebiotics

11 Konjac root

Konjac root, otherwise called elephant sweet potato, is a tuber  or a vegetable developed underground, similar to the potato.

The plant has been utilized for a really long time in Asia as food and medication, and it’s generally expected utilized as a dietary enhancement for its medical advantages. Flour produced using this tuber contains 70-90% glucomannan fiber, a profoundly thick dietary fiber.

Konjac glucomannan advances the development of well-disposed microscopic organisms in your colon and may assist with alleviating stoppage. Glucomannan has likewise been displayed to bring down blood cholesterol and help with weight reduction  all while further developing carb digestion. Probiotics vs. prebiotics

You can devour it as food varieties made with the konjac root, for example, shirataki noodles. You can likewise take glucomannan supplements.

12 Cocoa

Cocoa beans are really seeding from the Theobroma cacao tree. In addition to the fact that they are utilized to make chocolate, however they’re scrumptious and solid. Cocoa powder, made by pounding cocoa beans and eliminating the fat or coca spread, makes it simple to add cocoa to oats, smoothies, yogurt, and different plans.

Cocoa and its items are rich wellsprings of polyphenols, for example, flavanols, which apply cell reinforcement and calming impacts.  These mixtures likewise assist with developing useful stomach microbes while lessening the development of destructive microorganisms. Prebiotic Foods

While research demonstrates the way that cocoa items can decrease the gamble of type 2 diabetes, it’s critical to accept this data tentatively most chocolate items actually contain a lot of sugar

13 Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are extraordinarily sound. They’re likewise an incredible wellspring of prebiotics. The fiber in flaxseeds advances solid stomach microorganisms, supports standard defecations, and lessens how much dietary fat you digest and retain. Probiotics vs. prebiotics

Since they contain phenolic cell reinforcements, flaxseeds additionally have anticancer and cancer prevention agent properties and assist with controlling glucose levels

14 Yukon root

Yukon root is a vegetable basically the same as yams that is wealthy in fiber. It is especially rich in prebiotic FOS and inulin. The inulin in yukon has been displayed to further develop stomach microorganisms

  • diminish clogging
  • improve the invulnerable framework
  • work on mineral retention
  • direct blood fats

Yukon likewise contains phenolic intensifies that give it cancer prevention agent properties

15 Seaweed

Seaweed is a type of marine green growth with amazing medical advantages. The flexible food is rich in prebiotics and can be utilized in dishes like sushi rolls, soups and stews, mixed greens, enhancements, and smoothies. Probiotics vs. prebiotics

Seaweed is plentiful in nutrients, minerals, cancer prevention agents, and polysaccharides, which assume a part in helping the insusceptible framework. Roughly 50-85% of kelp’s fiber content comes from solvent fiber.

Lab studies have shown that polysaccharides found in kelp can expand the creation of short-chain unsaturated fats (SCFA), which sustain the cells coating your stomach. More human examination is expected to investigate the full advantages of ocean growth.  Prebiotic Foods

Bottom line

Notwithstanding, these rates don’t recount the entire story. For example, although bananas contain only 1% prebiotic fiber by weight, all you have to do is eat 100 grams of bananas to get 1 gram of prebiotic. A general rule of thumb is to try to take at least 4 grams of prebiotics daily.

As you get older, your gut health naturally declines. Your balance of good bacteria and yeast will begin to decline. For this reason, it is recommended that you increase your intake of prebiotics from 4 grams to 8 grams daily.

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