15 Barefoot Running Mistakes to Avoid

Barefoot Running Mistakes to Avoid

Even if you are a seasoned runner or a beginner, you need to know this list of 15 barefoot running mistakes to avoid for a smoother and successful run. It is never easy to make a transition from traditional running to barefoot running. It takes loads of practice and motivation to get through this one of a kind exercise. 

It also requires technicalities and methods that you need to focus on to avoid hurting yourself. Mind you, barefoot running is not as easy as it looks just because you are running with almost nothing on your feet.

A lot of people are now shifting to barefoot running because it challenges them, it allows them to move without too much restrictions and in a more natural way. In barefoot running, you can choose to go totally barefoot or wear minimalist shoes such as Vibram FiveFingers. 

Though it is inevitable not to commit mistakes during barefoot running, it is highly advised that you should minimize or better, avoid these barefoot running mistakes.

Barefoot running is not just a trend but this is considered as an extreme sport because it takes a lot of techniques and proper ways to do this. 

One common misconception people have about barefoot running is it is easy that is why they do this without prepping themselves and their body. 

If you want to try barefoot running, you must do a research first on what it is all about or you can ask anyone who have done this.

Not Running Slow

This is one barefoot running mistakes to avoid. Even if you are a seasoned shod runner who have been running for years, you need to take it slow in barefoot running. There are different techniques and ways on how to properly run in barefoot running. If you think that barefoot running is the same as shod running then, you are mistaken. You need to start slow at a short distance.

Starting a Long Distance Run

This is an important reminder for beginners as this is one of the most important barefoot running mistakes to avoid. In barefoot running, you should not start running in 1 kilometer or more distance. It is recommended that you start running for 200 meters and then, the next day you can increase your distance by 10%. If you start at 200 meters, you can do 220 the next day.

Do Barefoot Running Everyday

in barefoot running, you need to get used to the feeling of running with naked feet. However, you are not required to do this everyday. It is best if you do barefoot running two or three times a week. You need to start slow to allow your body to get used to this form of extreme exercise. It is important that you strengthen your feet in the course of weeks or months.

Sudden Transition

Another barefoot running mistake to avoid is the sudden transition to this kind of exercise. If you are used to go running with shoes, it takes time before you will feel comfortable and ease with running barefoot. Your sudden shifting may result to injury. The best thing you must do is to run barefoot in short distances or wear minimalist shoes. You can also run around or go barefoot while you are at home to introduce your feet to the barely-there feeling.

Not Wearing Any Socks

You must realize that being a pro in barefoot running does not happen overnight. If you are new to this and not comfortable yet to go totally naked in your feet, you must wear socks. Whether you are wearing Vibram FiveFingers or minimalist shoes, you need to wear socks to avoid blisters. Or you try wearing your shoes with no socks but if you feel hot spots, you need to wear one.

Ignoring Body Pains

With barefoot running, you need to be sensitive and conscious on what your body tells you. You need to listen to your body. If you are experiencing sore feet or heel pain then, this may signify that you may be running too fast. If you feel stinging or hot spots during running, you need to stop. You need to give time to your body to adjust to barefoot running. You can opt to run in softer surfaces like grass field rather than starting on cemented surfaces.

Stopping Momentarily

One barefoot running mistake to avoid is to stop running all of a sudden. You need to understand that it takes weeks or even months to toughen your feet to this kind of exercise. When you stop over a period of time, you lose the toughness of your feet and the power of your leg. If you cannot do barefoot running every week, you can opt for doing it a few times a months. This is still acceptable.

Ignoring Injuries/ Blisters

Having blisters is quite normal and common for beginners in barefoot running. Wearing the right minimalist shoes do not guarantee you that you will not experience having blisters. As a runner, you need to know how to clean them. Let them drain on their own. If you are having knee or ankle pains, you need to let them heal or recover first before you proceed to running.

Not Doing Warm-up Exercise

Just like any other exercises and physical activities, you need to do warm-up exercise before you g running. This is a must do in all forms of running and exercise as this activity stretches your muscles. It also increases your blood flow to your muscles that will prevent stiffness and injury. With warm-up exercise, you will be more effective and have better performance.

Exerting Too Much Tension

Another common barefoot mistake to avoid is running with too much tension to your feet. In barefoot running, you must move naturally and fluidly. It does not require any heel strike and your legs do not extend in front of your body. Instead, you must run flat footed. In addition to this, you must lift your feet while running and not pushing your toes. You should never run while tipping your toes.

Not Drinking Plenty of Water

Even if you are running at a minimum speed and distance, you need to drink plenty of water. You need to rehydrate your body because you are losing fluids while you are running. This replenishes your body and allows you to run more effectively.

Not Having a Goal

Motivation is one key in order to be successful in barefoot running. You need to have a concrete goal in mind so that you will not lose your interest in running suddenly. Your goal may be to lose weight or build your strength for a competition. These are concrete goals that can be easily realized if you are motivated in doing barefoot running.

Buffing the Tough Skin

This is an important note to take for beginners: do not buff off that tough skin on your feet. You may want to put pedicures on your toenails but do not ever remove that tough skin because this will help you in your run. This tough skin is the result of your barefoot running and removing it may cause wounds or blisters.

Not Consulting a Doctor

One barefoot running mistake to avoid is running without consulting your doctor first about your health. This is very important for those who have never run before. Check with your doctor or physical therapist if you are fit enough to do barefoot running.

You need to have fun when barefoot running. This list of the most common barefoot running mistakes to avoid will guide you through on the proper way to do it.

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