11 Tips for Healthy Weight Gain

Weight Gain

If you want to be healthy, it is important to keep your balance. People whose weight is balanced according to their age and height, enjoy a healthy life. Therefore, as much as it takes to reduce obesity, weight gain is equally important. Underweight people not only look weak, but their personality does not look attractive either.

Tips to Gain Weight

1. Protein

Along with calories, protein is also needed to gain weight. The body gets energy from eating foods rich in protein. Furthermore, the muscles are also strong, as weak muscles cannot bear a lot of weight.

What to do :

  • Eggs, fish, chicken, lentils, sprouts, and dairy products have been considered the main sources of protein.
  • Excess oil is found in fish such as tuna and mackerel and its intake helps to gain weight.

2. Calorie

Body weight is highly dependent on calories. While fewer calories are needed to lose weight, more calories must be consumed to gain weight. If you are concerned about being underweight, you can consume 2,000-2,200 calories regularly.

What to do:

  • Include broccoli, cabbage, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, and eggplant in your diet.
  • Red meat can also benefit from being included in your meal. Keep in mind not to overeat it, otherwise, your cholesterol level may rise.
  • Whatever salad you eat, add a little olive oil. This will not only increase the flavor of the salad, but it will also increase the amount of nutrients.
  • Eating dairy products every day can also provide enough calories. You should always consume high-fat milk and yogurt.

3. Increase the amount of food

If you increase your dose in a balanced amount, you can increase your weight. You should eat small amounts of three a day instead of three and consume high-calorie foods at all times. Eating too much in one sitting can mess up your digestive system and you may fall victim to other diseases instead of gaining weight. Eating a little more often also digests food, and its effect will be seen on the body as well.

What to do :

  • You can have breakfast with a plate of fruit and bread with butter. If you don’t like regular butter, you can replace it with peanut butter or paneer.
  • Dried fruits, zucchini greens, or cheese sandwiches can be eaten in sandwiches.
  • If you like something different from these, you can also consume them, but keep in mind that it must be healthy. Also, it shouldn’t be oily at all.

4. Relieve stress

Stress is the main cause of more than half of the problems. When you are under stress, the weight can be higher or lower. There may also be other types of physical problems. So, if you are thinking about gaining weight, first try to get out of stress. To relieve stress, you can do meditation, dance, or listen to music of your choice.

5. Healthy Fat

If you are wondering what fat is needed to gain weight, you are wrong. The body also needs to consume a limited amount of fat. Healthy fats are needed for muscle growth and hormones like testosterone. It also helps increase the metabolic rate, which helps the body eliminate bad fats and keep good fats. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are considered good for your health. You can get this type of fat from nuts, green leafy vegetables, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, and other seed oils. Also, let us tell you that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are also necessary for good health. So if you’re thinking about gaining weight, don’t ignore the good fats

6. Supplements for weight gain

Some people are excessively weak. These people should eat nutritious food and exercise regularly, as well as take supplements to gain weight. Take these supplements only on the advice of your doctor. Only your doctor can tell you better what kind of supplements will be beneficial based on your health.

What to do :

There are many types of protein shakes and supplements available on the market. You can consume them by adding milk or shakes. You should take these supplements only in consultation with a doctor because not all supplements are suitable for everyone. Some supplements may spoil your health rather than improve it.

7. Get Enough Sleep

Of course, it is beneficial to eat a healthy and balanced diet, regular exercise and yoga, and to take the necessary supplements, but it is also necessary to have enough sleep to give the body a complete rest. Experts also say that to stay fit and healthy, you need to get seven to eight hours of sleep a day. This eliminates the fatigue of the day and your body prepares to work with full energy the next day.

8. What to Eat

  • Whole milk
  • Beans, lentils, and other protein-rich foods.
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Healthy fat and oil
  • Grain
  • Nice and healthy sweet

9. Yoga

Yoga is the only cure for many problems. Yoga is useful for reducing and gaining weight. If you do yoga together with the diet chart for weight gain, you can get more benefits. Yoga not only reduces stress, but it also improves the energy levels in your body. Apart from this, yoga also improves the digestive system, which makes you feel hungry. Here we tell you some yoga asanas, which can lead to weight gain.

Sarvangasana :

This yoga asana helps you control your weight according to your age and height.


By doing this, the digestive system is good, improves metabolism, and Eliminates problems like gas, heartburn, and constipation. With the end of all these problems, you feel hungry.


The digestive system is also better with this Yogasana. Whatever you eat and drink, it becomes easy to digest. At the same time, the muscles of the whole body, especially the legs and waist, are strong. This can be done for about 5 minutes after a meal.

10. Exercise to gain weight

By doing the exercise, muscle development is done well. Please note that you must perform exercises under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

  • Twisted crunch
  • leg press
  • Leg extension
  • Leg curl
  • Push-up
  • Shoulder shrug
  • Seated dumbbell press
  • Triceps pushdown
  • Squat with barbell
  • Roller abs
  • Incline Dumbbell Press
  • Dumbbell lunges

11. Get Motivated

There is no question that losing weight is hard to gain. Therefore, increase your diet and exercise as much as your body can handle. If you do more than your capacity, then there may be losses instead of gains.

It is also important that you have patience because it is only good if the weight increases gradually. According to experts, if you take the weight gain diet chart continuously for 30 days, then you can gain one and a half kilograms of weight every month.

If your weight increases more than that in a month, it can be detrimental to your health. Keep in mind that everyone’s body and needs are different.

Therefore, you must set your goal according to your health. The diet chart and rules may be different for women to gain weight.

Reasons to Lose Weight

The normal weight of women and men is scientifically determined according to their age and height. If your weight is 15 to 20 percent less than normal, you are considered underweight.

We understand this with an example. Suppose a woman’s age is between 26-30 and her height between 148-151 cm, then the weight should be around 47 kg. If the weight remains at 40 kg (15%) or 37 kg (20%), it will be said that it weighs less. The BMI (body mass index) of a 47-year-old woman should be 20.6 kg / square meter. When weight loss occurs, the BMI also begins to decrease.

At the same time, if the age of a man is between 25 and 50 years old and the height is about 176 cm, the normal weight should be around 70 kg. If the weight is 60 kg (15%) and 57 kg (20%), it will be considered underweight.


There is a butterfly-shaped gland in the throat, which is called the thyroid. The hormones that emanate from this make the parts of the body work properly. In hyperthyroidism, excessive hormones are produced, so the level of metabolism begins to deteriorate, the heart does not work properly and the weight also begins to decrease.


Weight loss occurs even when there is cancer. Problems such as tiredness, loss of appetite, and nausea can also occur.


weight loss is rapidly reduced even after being contracted this disease. Along with this, you can face problems like coughing, excessive tiredness, night sweats, etc. If you constantly lose weight due to tuberculosis, you should immediately inform your doctor. The doctor will treat you accordingly.


People with HIV AIDS also gradually lose weight. Therefore, once confirmed, you should take medication from time to time as per the doctor’s advice. Along with this, necessary changes should be made in your lifestyle, so that your health remains healthy.

Kidney disease:

When you feel like urinating over and over again, but after getting out of the bathroom, you still feel urine, then there may be a sign of kidney failure. This can cause problems such as loss of urine retention, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, a strange taste in the mouth, rashes and itchy skin, and the smell of ammonia on the breath. Apart from this, your appetite can also be reduced, which leads to weight loss.


There are some antibiotic medications that work to reduce appetite. When you’re hungry, you can’t eat properly, so you don’t get the necessary nutrients. Therefore, before taking any medicine, consult your doctor once.

Imbalance in diet:

When I do not eat at a certain time and with nutritional elements, then I become prone to diseases such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Both are eating disorders. The victim suffers from this fear of losing or gaining weight. These people are always worried about their weight and think about the deterioration of body size. In a way, it can be said that it is also a disease associated with mental disorders.

Enzyme deficiency:

Digestive enzymes are extremely important for the digestive system and the absorption of nutrients. Only with their help does physical development develop. When the inner walls of the stomach cannot use the digestive enzyme properly, the risk of losing weight increases.


To some extent, family history can also be the cause of underweight. If your family has lost weight, then it can be assumed that you also have to face two or four of these problems.

Sick Liver:

The body does not get the necessary nutrients when the liver is sick. For this reason, weight loss also occurs. To avoid this problem, you must stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.

Health problems due to low weight

Weak immunity:

Losing weight can lead to weakened immunity. If the immunity does not work properly, you will soon be a victim of other diseases. As soon as there is a slight change in the weather, the effect on health begins. Apart from this, there is also the possibility of dangerous diseases like cancer.


Iron deficiency in the body can cause anemia. In such a situation, an underweight person often feels tired. You cannot eat properly so you are not getting enough nutrients and there is a lack of energy in the body. As a result, the amount of blood in the body also begins to decrease and diseases such as anemia occur in the body.

Problems related to fertility:

Low weight in women also affects fertility. This makes the menstrual cycle irregular and makes it difficult for a woman to conceive. If there is a tax on pregnancy, there is the possibility of a miscarriage. At the same time, underweight men may face sexual problems. At the time of sexual intercourse, they may have pain, poor sperm quality, and problems such as erectile dysfunction.

Weak bones:

Both underweight women and men can suffer from osteoporosis. This is due to changes in hormones and a decrease in vitamin D and calcium. Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which the possibility of fracture is multipliedly increased.

Weight gain is not a difficult task for thin people. You just need, then set your goal and be patient to achieve it. Eat balanced and nutritious foods and continue taking the necessary supplements following the advice of your doctor. This will not only increase your weight, but you will also be healthy. Also, exercise regularly.

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