Best Home Remedies For Itchy Scalp

Best Home Remedies For Itchy Scalp
An itchy scalp is a common annoyance that many of us have experienced at some point. 

Itchy can range from a mild irritation to a persistent discomfort, often leading to the desire to scratch incessantly. 

It's important to recognize that addressing this issue is not only about relieving the itch but also about maintaining healthy hair and overall comfort. 

In this article, we'll explore ten effective remedies for an itchy scalp to help you bid farewell to the discomfort and regain a healthy, itch-free scalp.

Causes of Itchy Scalp

An itchy scalp can stem from various underlying factors.

Dry Skin

One of the most prevalent culprits behind an itchy scalp is dry skin. When your scalp lacks proper moisture, it can become irritated and itchy. This condition is often exacerbated during colder months or in dry climates.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition characterized by redness, flaking, and itching. It frequently affects the scalp and can be linked to excess oil production, yeast overgrowth, or genetic factors.

Reactions to Skincare Products

Sometimes, the products you use on your hair and scalp can contain ingredients that cause irritation. Allergic reactions to shampoos, conditioners, or styling products can lead to itching.


Hives on the scalp can cause severe itching. They are often triggered by allergies to food, medications, or environmental factors.


While scabies is more commonly associated with skin between fingers and toes, it can affect the scalp, leading to intense itching.

Scalp Ringworm

This is a fungal infection that can cause itching and redness on the scalp. It's contagious and needs prompt treatment.

Scalp Psoriasis

Psoriasis can affect the scalp, causing the development of scaly, red plaques and itching.

Atopic Dermatitis

Also known as eczema, this skin condition can extend to the scalp, resulting in itching and inflammation.

Nerve Problem

In some cases, an underlying nerve issue can cause persistent itching on the scalp.

Skin Cancer

While less common, skin cancer can manifest as itchy or painful spots on the scalp. If you notice any unusual changes, consult a dermatologist.

DIY Scalp Care

Ten effective DIY solutions to soothe that annoying itch:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a versatile remedy for an itchy scalp. It helps balance the scalp's pH levels and has anti-inflammatory properties that can provide relief. To use it, dilute equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and apply the mixture to your scalp. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Repeat this process a few times a week for best results.

2. Neem

Neem, known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, is an excellent natural remedy for an itchy scalp, especially when caused by conditions like dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis. You can use neem oil or make a neem paste by crushing neem leaves. Apply it to your scalp, Leave it on for the recommended time, usually around 20-30 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. Regular neem treatments can help alleviate itching and promote a healthier scalp.

3. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is known for its cooling and soothing properties, making it a valuable remedy for itching. It contains menthol, which can provide a cooling sensation and relieve discomfort. To use peppermint oil, dilute a few drops in a carrier oil (like coconut or jojoba oil) and massage it gently into your scalp. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes before shampooing. The refreshing sensation of peppermint can provide relief from itching and leave your scalp feeling invigorated.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a natural exfoliant and contains citric acid, which can help remove dead skin cells and reduce itching on the scalp. You can apply freshly squeezed lemon juice directly to your scalp, but be cautious if you have any open cuts or sores, as it may sting. Leave the lemon juice on for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. The acidity of lemon juice can also help balance the scalp's pH, which is beneficial for overall scalp health.

5. Colloidal Oatmeal

Colloidal oatmeal is a natural remedy known for its ability to soothe itching and inflammation. It forms a protective barrier on the skin, helping to lock in moisture and reduce irritation. You can find colloidal oatmeal in some commercial shampoos or create your own oatmeal paste by mixing it with water. Apply the paste to your scalp, leave it on for a short time, and then rinse thoroughly. It can provide relief for dry and itchy scalps.

6. Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective remedy for an itchy scalp caused by excess oil or product buildup. Baking soda helps exfoliate dead skin cells, balance pH levels, and reduce itching. To use baking soda, mix it with water to create a paste and apply it to your damp scalp. Gently massage it in and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Be sure to follow up with a moisturizing conditioner, as baking soda can be drying.

7. Orange Peel

Orange peel is another natural remedy that can help soothe an itchy scalp. It contains natural oils and compounds that can provide relief from itching and promote a healthy scalp. Dry orange peels in the sun until they are crisp, dry and grind it into a fine powder. Mix this powder with water to form a paste, then apply it to your scalp. The citrusy aroma can also provide a refreshing sensation.

8. Hair Mask

Regularly using a hydrating hair mask can do wonders for an itchy scalp caused by dryness and flaking. Hair masks are typically formulated to moisturize and nourish both the hair and the scalp. You can choose a commercially available hair mask suitable for your hair type and condition or make your own by combining ingredients like coconut oil, honey, or yogurt.

Using a hair mask once a week can help maintain a healthy scalp and reduce itching.

9. Fresh Aloe Vera

Aloe vera often called the "plant of immortality" is renowned for its soothing properties and can provide relief from an itchy scalp, especially if the itch is due to dryness or irritation. To use fresh aloe vera, simply extract the gel from a leaf and apply it directly to your scalp. Not only will it calm the itch, but it will also leave your hair feeling soft and manageable, as if it just had a spa day.

10. Coconut Bliss

This natural marvel is rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins, making it a powerhouse remedy for itchy scalps. Before shampooing, gently warm up some coconut oil and massage it into your scalp. Let it soak in for at least an hour, or even overnight if you dare to dream of a tropical getaway in your sleep. Then, wash it out, and revel in the results. Your scalp will thank you with a soothing, itch-free sensation.

11. Tea Tree Oil - Nature's Soothing Symphony

When your scalp craves relief, this natural wonder can be your conductor, harmonizing your scalp's health. With its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial powers, tea tree oil soothes irritation and banishes the itch. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil like jojoba, and let the composition serenade your scalp with tranquility.

12. Witch Hazel - A Soothing Potion for Your Scalp

When it comes to calming the itch and irritation, this natural elixir works its magic like a potion. With its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to soothe sensitive skin, witch hazel deserves a place in your scalp care routine.

To give your scalp the tender loving care it craves, apply witch hazel using a cotton ball or pad, targeting the itchy areas. Feel the gentle caress as it works to alleviate the discomfort, making you wonder why you didn't turn to this remedy sooner.

13. Argan Oil - Liquid Gold for Your Scalp

Argan oil, often referred to as liquid gold. This Moroccan treasure isn't just for your hair; it's a true scalp savior. Rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, it's like a nourishing oasis for your scalp, especially when itchiness strikes.

Gently massage a few drops of argan oil into your scalp, letting its luxurious texture and hydrating properties work their magic.

14. Onion Juice - The Unexpected Scalp Soother

Yes, you read that right—onion juice! It might not sound glamorous, but it's a surprising scalp soother. Onions contain sulfur, which can help combat fungal infections and promote a healthier scalp.

To harness its benefits, extract onion juice and gently apply it to your scalp. Don't worry; the pungent smell dissipates quickly, leaving behind the potential for itch relief.

15. Jojoba Oil - Your Scalp's Nourishing Oasis

Jojoba oil, often referred to as nature's nourishing oasis, is here to rescue your itchy scalp. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and resembling the natural oils produced by your scalp, it's like a nurturing embrace for your hair and skin.

Gently massage a few drops of jojoba oil into your scalp, allowing it to sink in and replenish the moisture your scalp craves.

Additional Tips for Scalp Care

Tips to keep your scalp healthy and happy:

Scalp Massage Techniques: Regular scalp massages can boost blood circulation, helping nutrients reach your hair follicles. Use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp in circular motions. You can even add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for an aromatic and relaxing experience.

The Benefits of Oils: Incorporating natural oils like jojoba, argan, or coconut into your hair care routine can provide long-lasting hydration and promote a balanced scalp. Experiment with different oils to find the one that suits your scalp's needs best.

Scalp Toners like Rose Water: Rose water is a gentle and soothing scalp toner. It helps maintain the scalp's pH balance, reducing itchiness and irritation. Spritz some rose water onto your scalp and hair after washing as a refreshing and calming final touch to your routine.


In your journey to an itch-free and healthy scalp, you've uncovered an array of remedies and tips. Here's a quick recap of the key takeaways:
  • Identifying the cause of your itchy scalp is crucial for effective treatment.
  • Natural remedies like apple cider vinegar, neem, and peppermint oil can provide relief from itching.
  • DIY scalp care, including hair masks and massages, can promote a comfortable scalp and overall hair health.
  • Remember to address specific scalp issues like dryness or sensitivity with tailored remedies.
  • Prevention is key - maintain a clean scalp, choose gentle hair care products, and manage stress to minimize future itching.

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